Thursday 13 June 2013

Adam & Nabeel's time at Fairplay House!

Life is good at Fairplay House;

The food is good (if it is something we normally like).

Our activities (group 3) have been great, especially the archery. Mr Astbury was with us and shot blindfolded in the bullseye challenge. Mrs Johal claims to be good at archery. We had different games, like 5 rounds (of 3 arrows) and adding up the total score. From the kids Brinda won, Adam came 4th and Nabeel came 9th out of 11. We also had to pop balloons - 3 burst, others didn't work (like Adam's). We had other rounds like elimination (Adam only got and beaten by an adult and Nabeel was unlucky because our instructor aimed for him. We have gone on many adventuers like caving orienteering etc.

All is well but missing parents.


  1. some cool activities:)

  2. How r u doing.from awais

  3. I wonder what's boys doing finally got your comments. Thanks all teachers. Have a fab time.

  4. It's great to hear from Adam and Nabeel. Thanks for all the other updates and photos - it has been really good to hear from you and get a flavour of what has been going on. Sounds like it has been an action packed week! Hope you all enjoy the rest of your time there.

  5. Thanks Mr Hughes for the updates. Its good to know kids having fun.
    Ajit's Dad

  6. Eager to wait today's updates. Say hello to NIvashan. See you all tommorrow.
