Monday 10 June 2013

1st Day at Fairplay House

We arrived!

Our coach was a 'bit' late but that did not put us off!....Once we loaded our suitcases onto the coach we were soon on our way!

However 20 minutes into the journey the coach broke down - BOOOOO!
Another coach came and picked us up , and after the joys of transferring all our luggage again...we were on our merry way!

On arrival we had a quick and yummy lunch before our activities began!

Canoeing - We all got a bit wet - too much splashing not enough rowing!
Archery - Tiona won!
Caving  - spooky but fun.
Orienteering - everyone got lost (don't worry mums and dads we found them all in the end!)

Pizza and chips for dinner followed by an evening walk in the lovely Essex countryside.

Some sports games when we got back ...and now our first night of sleep (hopefully!) - as I type this at 11.10pm I can hear a lot of noise from the rooms - I think it's going to be a long night!!

follow us on twitter
for more pics!



  1. Thanks Mr Hughes for your updates.add more photos please.

  2. Hi Mr Hughes
    Really nice to hear from you .
    Hopefully you all might be having a very good night sleep after you long and tiring day today.
    Sad to hear about your coach breakdown on your way here,hope it didn't cause much trouble.
    <I'm trying hard here not to bee too emotional as its only first day and I'm missing Maryam terribly :).I know she doesn't like me mentioning it so lets end it here )
    Please keep us updated. Have lods of fun all of you and take care .

  3. Glad you guys are having fun. Hope the weather holds up.

  4. Thanks Mr Hughes for the updates. I hope Nivashan had a great time.

  5. The updates are great!!
    Look you are all having lots of fun!!

    Hope you are having fun Bilaal!

  6. Photos are great!
    Thanks for keeping us updated!!
    Hope Bilaal is having fun!!

  7. The updates are great sorry to embrass you jj but we are missing you continue to have fun.little Sis Danda
