Thursday 13 June 2013

Our last day/night at Fairplay House

A fantastic last day here in deep dark Essex!

Some archery/high ropes/climbing and beach activities for all the children today.

NO CHILDREN awake this morning and they all had to be woken at 7am! (the busy days are really tiring them out!)

The children will definitely sleep on Friday parents!!!
(Although they will now be able to make all the beds in the house and set/lay tables and wash dishes for every mealtime!)

The BIG QUIZ was a great way to end our final night...and the final hot chocolates have been drunk!

We all have one more activity tomorrow morning then we will all be sad to leave.

We should be back in school for about 3.00pm.

See you tomorrow!

Adam & Nabeel's time at Fairplay House!

Life is good at Fairplay House;

The food is good (if it is something we normally like).

Our activities (group 3) have been great, especially the archery. Mr Astbury was with us and shot blindfolded in the bullseye challenge. Mrs Johal claims to be good at archery. We had different games, like 5 rounds (of 3 arrows) and adding up the total score. From the kids Brinda won, Adam came 4th and Nabeel came 9th out of 11. We also had to pop balloons - 3 burst, others didn't work (like Adam's). We had other rounds like elimination (Adam only got and beaten by an adult and Nabeel was unlucky because our instructor aimed for him. We have gone on many adventuers like caving orienteering etc.

All is well but missing parents.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Day 3

Another great day here at Fairplay House. A new activity for the children today- THE HIGH ROPES!!
The children really pushed themselves and everyone was really brave.
There are some great pictures on our school twitter feed

The weather has been a little annoying...because of the gale winds forcast for tomorrow the centre has had to cancel the sailing :-(

Instead we have been doing some beach art instead! (Sounds odd but is in fact excellent!)

Due to the rain we also had to do some indoor activities tonight (rather then burn off some energy in a planned teachers v kids rounders match!)
These included dancing to "Just Dance" - Armando is "Strictly Come Dancing Fairplay champion of 2013"
Charades (this involved a lot of pre teaching about the rules and hand signals) the boys beat the teachers and girls!
Also a  few scary stories told to each other (not a good idea on a windy/stormy night!)

All in all a fab day with more fun to come tomorrow!

Our Time so far @Fairplay House by Eve & Orla

On day one (Monday) we did Archery , first of all we learnt how to hold the bow and arrow , then we learnt how to stay safe whilst we are shooting. Then we got to start archery with the Olympic base ,Tiona came first and Eve came second. Then we did an elimination game and Orla got into the final four with Mrs Popewell, Tiona and Kareemah. Unfortunately Mrs Popewell came first Tiona came second Orla came third and Kareemah came fourth.We have had really good fun and we really want to stay for another week but with out Mr Hughes & Mr Astbury. (joke) They are sat next to us and are trying to make us type nice things about them!!!!...We have been eating sweets and having mini party's however we are not allowed in each others rooms!On Tuesday we went caving we had to do 3 tasks one was in the dark but the most challenging one was the squeeze- we had a tiny gap and we had to fit through it!Overall we had an amazing time but caving has been our favourite so far.


Tuesday 11 June 2013

Day 2

After a VERY early start this morning (some boy's rooms awake at 5.30am!) everyone was up, showered and dressed ready for breakfast by 8.00am

Today's activities included caving, climbing and woodland games!
Lots of harnesses, overalls and helmets worn today - it was like the Milan fashion show!

A lovely dry day - with very tired children at the end of it!
(fingers crossed they make it till 6am tomorrow!)


Monday 10 June 2013

1st Day at Fairplay House

We arrived!

Our coach was a 'bit' late but that did not put us off!....Once we loaded our suitcases onto the coach we were soon on our way!

However 20 minutes into the journey the coach broke down - BOOOOO!
Another coach came and picked us up , and after the joys of transferring all our luggage again...we were on our merry way!

On arrival we had a quick and yummy lunch before our activities began!

Canoeing - We all got a bit wet - too much splashing not enough rowing!
Archery - Tiona won!
Caving  - spooky but fun.
Orienteering - everyone got lost (don't worry mums and dads we found them all in the end!)

Pizza and chips for dinner followed by an evening walk in the lovely Essex countryside.

Some sports games when we got back ...and now our first night of sleep (hopefully!) - as I type this at 11.10pm I can hear a lot of noise from the rooms - I think it's going to be a long night!!

follow us on twitter
for more pics!


Saturday 8 June 2013

Have you packed yet?

Does everything fit?

What do you think you will forget?!?!?

I haven't even started packing yet?!?!  (I think Carys is going to help me tomorrow!)
I hope it all fits...I have a big bag!
I think I will forget my book! (I hope's very exciting!!)

See you Monday!
Mr Hughes

Thursday 6 June 2013

Welcome to our new blog.

Hopefully this will help you keep up to date with our trip to Fairplay House this year.

We will try and..

  • Post some pictures of children doing the activities.
  • Post some messages/reports from some of the children.
  • Keep you up to date about what we are getting up to.